MyPlayGroups.com! - Playgroups Central |
NEW FEATURE!!! Things To Do In Your Area Now with Member Reviews |
We are now providing reviews in the Things To Do section of myplaygroups.com, Now businesses and groups focused on providing kids activities and place to go can be rated by actual parents. This area will work just like the playdate area in that it is divided by state and will be free to have listings and reviews added. The things to do area is already one of the most popular parts of myplaygroups.com I hope with the addition of reviews more members will encourage business owners or contact us to call business owner so we can add a growing list of activities to make it easier for all parents.
Click here to go to the things to do pages
Get your Business added to our Things to do listing for FREE!
If you want a banner or something more eye catching on our content pages for your business contact us and we can work out a reasonable placement and fee. As always reciprocal links are always appreciated.
For more information see the Playgroup News Notes below or Contact Us by email.
Sample Listing |

Gymnastics Revolution of Bethel, CT
Gymnastics Revolution is Connecticut?s premiere gymnastics center. It is the area?s largest, most successful, and most exciting facility for children of all ages, conveniently located just off of Route 53 in Bethel, CT. We have two facilities in one: a 20,000 square foot state-of-the-art full service gymnastics facility including 3 Tumble Traks and two Safety Foam Pits. as well as, an interactive Play Center where you can take advantage of our Open Gyms, Birthday Parties, Kids? Night Out and Day Camps which are open to everyone. With ample lobby space, parent?s lounge, a giant custom built castle, raised pit platforms, and appropriate viewing of the entire building, Gymnastics Revolution has it all. Stop by today to view our facility, or browse our website! Website at: www.gymnasticsrevolution.com
What is Myplaygroups.com? |
A great place to meet new play friends, with more people joining every day we now have Over 1500 PLAYDATE/PLAYGROUP LISTING join now and meet people in your area!
| Are you tired and stressed from all of the phone calls it takes to organize playgroups, their activities and playdates? |
| Do you wish there was a place where you and the other playgroup mothers (and dads) could coordinate and set up schedules? |
| Wouldn't it be great if you could mail all the playgroup members at once to set up a playdate with one click? |
Well you have found the place for all that and more!
MyPlayGroups.com is the site that was created to meet your playgroup and playdate needs.
We have a place to schedule your play activies, to store your playgroup members contact information, to find
place to go with your children, to give you ideas on playgroup games, and a whole lot more. The
founders of MyPlayGroups.com are parents just like you. We have a
three year old child and an infant. We understand how difficult it is to
keep up with the social demands of your children and their playtime activies.
See samples of all the playgroup services we offer by clicking here. All members will also receive our free playgroups monthly newsletter (member contributions are welcome). Members will also have exclusive discounts from our toy store.
Are you ready to join in the fun. Click here to register to use our playgroup services, to create your own playgroups or to join an existing playgroup all for FREE!
From time to time (like right now) we will be conducting surveys
to determine what type of new content or areas you would like us to
add to the site. We also welcome any and all comments, suggestions,
and requests that will make MyPlayGroups.com a better experience for
you. Only with your help can we be sure to keep what you need most
available on MyPlayGroups.com.
More Playgroup Articles
Am I Hurting My Child By Staying Home?
By: Stephanie Foster
It's something many stay at home moms fear, that they are hurting their
child socially by not putting them in daycare or doing a million
activities with them from the time they are born. But it's not
something you need to worry too much about, so long as your children do
get some social time.(Full Article)
10 Ways to Ensure a Perfect Playdate
By Carran W. Joye
All parents want their children to have friends. Getting together with friends at the park, playing with friends at day care or preschool, or visiting with relatives are part of a preschoolers social life. So are going over to a friends house and inviting them over to play for a playdate. All of these are important to facilitate friendships for your toddler or preschooler.(Full Article)
Joining A Play Group
By Carran W. Joye
You rejoiced when you found out you had conceived your wonderful baby. You eagerly crossed off the weeks during your pregnancy leading to the birth of your beautiful baby. Youve survived the first couple of months with little sleep and no social life. Now baby needs a little more entertainment than youre able to give. Plus, youre ready for a little more stimulation yourself! But you dont want to expose her to germs and you dont want to be separated for hours at a time. What can a mom and baby do that will provide entertainment for both of them in a safe environment?
Ever think of joining a playgroup? ... (Full Article)
Playgroups, Online and Offline
By Rob Vigil
Staying at home with your kids is a rewarding experience. Sometimes you and your kids need interaction with the outside world. One way to do this that is both a benefit to your children and yourself is to create or join a playgroup. This gives your child(ren) valuable ... (Full Article)
Playgroup News Notes |
**** Advertise with us ****
SUBJECT: Reviews added to the FREE Advertising for Children focused business!!!
You can now add review of your favorite Children focused businesses. I am still be accepting emails from businesses who would like to be listed in our things to do area. This is completely free! What's the catch? No catch, free listing are available by the popular demand of our members.
Your business must focus on activities of children from 0 - 10 yrs. The listing should contain the name of your business, a short description, hours, age groups, contact info, and if available a URL.
To send a business listing or for more information Contact Us by email.
If you don't already have a website try contacting our development shop at Websidestores (sometimes a shameless plug is necessary to keep developement for this community free)
If you are a parent and know a places you would like to have listed let me know the names and addresses or refer them to the site yourself.
Thanks for all you help in making this website more and more useful for the whole community!!